What is cosmetic dentistry?

Do you have imperfect teeth in your smile? Are there a variety of imperfections that might require extensive care and attention from a cosmetic dentist? If you’re interested in the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, we invite you to schedule an appointment with Drs. , Jongbin Lee,  Connor Schroyer, Gina Rotkvich and the team at Westwyn Dental LLC in Berwyn, Illinois.

Cosmetic dentistry, or aesthetic dentistry, is a series of cosmetic dental procedures designed to improve the appearance of both the teeth and gums. Some patients use a single treatment to address an individual tooth, while others might combine several treatments to achieve a full smile makeover.

What cosmetic dental procedures are available at Westwyn Dental LLC of Berwyn, Illinois?

  • Professional teeth whitening. With professional teeth whitening, patients can achieve a brighter, whiter smile in just one visit. This procedure uses high-quality bleaching agents to remove stains and discoloration from the tooth’s surface. In addition to in-office whitening, we also offer take-home kits with custom trays and gels to achieve similar results at home.
  • Dental veneers. Veneers are described as thin, custom-made porcelain shells affixed to the front of the natural teeth to improve their appearance. They are used to correct various imperfections, such as gaps, chips, cracks, and discoloration. Veneers are usually made from a porcelain material or composite resin and are matched to the color and shape of your existing natural teeth for a seamless blend.
  • Dental bonding. This procedure utilizes a tooth-colored resin material to cover imperfections in the teeth. It is commonly used to fix chips, gaps, and cracks and to cover stains or discoloration. The bonding material is applied, strategically shaped, and hardened with a special light to create a natural-looking result.
  • Dental crowns. Crowns are essentially tooth-shaped caps placed over the existing tooth to improve the tooth’s appearance and strength. They can be fabricated from porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination of materials. Crowns are often used to restore badly damaged or misshapen teeth, as well as to cover large fillings.

Where can I find the care I need from a cosmetic dentist near me?

Berwyn, IL, area patients can call the team at Westwyn Dental LLC to learn more about the options available for a full smile makeover or even a simple touch-up on a less-than-perfect tooth. Call (708) 797-9377 to request a visit to 3218 Kenilworth Avenue, proudly serving patients in Brookfield, Forest Park, Forest View, Stickney, Riverside, and Cicero, IL.