Using dental implants to replace missing teeth

Dental implants are becoming popular for patients seeking a solution to replacing missing teeth. They provide a permanent and natural-looking replacement that functions just like natural teeth. At Westwyn Dental LLC of Berwyn, Illinois, we find that many of our patients looking for replacement options are drawn to dental implants because of their optimum function and longevity. Let’s look at permanent dental implants and what makes them the ideal choice for replacing missing teeth.

What are dental implants The team at Westwyn Dental LLC describe dental implants as small screw-like posts that act as artificial tooth roots.  They have placed over 8000 implants.These special implants are usually made of biocompatible titanium, which fuses well with the jawbone. The implant is placed into the jawbone during dental implant surgery, where it integrates with the bone over time. Dental implants can replace one tooth with a dental crown over the abutment, or patients might ask about complete dental implants, where several dental implants are placed along the arch and used to anchor a full denture in place. This is known as an implant-retained denture or all-on-4 dental implant.

What can I expect from the process of dental implant surgery?

The process of getting dental implants can be broken down into three main stages:

  • Consultation and evaluation. First, we thoroughly evaluate your oral health and discuss your personalized treatment goals to determine if dental implants are the right choice for you.  Our consultation will include state of the art 3 dimensional CBCT  imaging so we can customize the dental implants for your particular clinical situation .We use these CBCT images to construct CAD-CAM models to ensure precise computer designed placement of your implants
  • Surgical placement.   We surgically place the implants into your jawbone, allowing them to fuse with the bone over several months. This process is called osseointegration and is essential for ensuring the stability and increased success of the implant over time.
  • Restoration. Once the implant fuses with the jawbone, a custom-made dental crown, bridge, or full/complete denture is attached to the abutment, completing your new smile. This restoration is designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth for a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.

Where do I learn more about the placement of dental implants near me?

If you are a resident of the areas of Cicero, Riverside, Stickney, Forest View, Forest Park, Brookfield, or Berwyn, IL, and are considering dental implant surgery, call  the team at Westwyn Dental LLC at (708) 797-9377. The office is located at 3218 Kenilworth Avenue and proudly serves those in and around the community with general, cosmetic, implants and restorative dentistry treatments.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium roots, that are replaced with in the jawbone to resemble a tooth or group of teeth. A screw is inserted through the gums and into the jawbone. A porcelain crown is then attached to the screw to become the new tooth or teeth. They can be used to support dental prosthesis including crowns, dentures, and bridges. Today’s treatments are so natural looking, no one will know you had surgery. There’s approximately a 95% success rate for all implants. With modern advances in dentistry, some implants can be restored immediately with life like all porcelain crowns. For more details ask your dentist.